

Ad code

How to Optimize AdSense Revenue on a Smaller Blogspot Website

Did you know that you can add your Blogspot website directly to AdSense now? Yep, it's getting more integrated, leaving behind the obsolete confusing past and making the monetization process simple. But it does not mean that it's easy to get a lot of profit from a small Blogspot website.

Yes, as a blogger, one of your primary goals may be to earn revenue through advertising, and Google AdSense is a popular choice for many bloggers. However, optimizing AdSense revenue on a smaller Blogspot website can be challenging. 

So, in this article, we will discuss some tips on how to optimize AdSense revenue on your Blogspot website. But before we do, I shall tell you some of the challenges based on my personal experience of managing this Blogspot website, SofanMax!

Optimizing AdSense revenue on smaller blogspot site

Why is it difficult to get more AdSense revenue on a smaller Blogspot website?

These are several challenges that I face when I want to optimize AdSense revenue on my small Blogspot website:

Limited traffic

Smaller Blogspot websites, like SofanMax, may have limited traffic compared to larger sites, which can make it difficult to generate significant revenue from AdSense ads. With fewer page views and ad impressions, it can be challenging to earn a substantial income from AdSense. In fact, it took me several years to finally be able to enjoy a small revenue from this semi-personal blog.

I don't think Blogspot monetization can replace your main livelihood (unless if you use a custom domain on your Blogger account, only then may you have a chance). However, it's nice to get paid doing what you love, and having an additional income is never a bad thing. And to get that sweet income, you will need traffic!

Limited ad space

On a smaller website, there may be limited space available for AdSense ads. This means that you need to carefully consider the placement and type of ads to maximize your revenue while still maintaining a good user experience. 

On Blogger.com, specifically, editing themes to accommodate ad spaces can be tricky, especially if you are not tech-savvy. There is an auto-ad feature from AdSense, yes. But sometimes, their placement does not make much sense. You may have a better idea of the positioning, but you may need to edit the theme code to make that possible, and that is not easy.

Competition for ad placements 

With limited ad space, there may be competition between different ad units for placement on your site. It's essential to balance the number of ads you display with the need to provide a positive user experience.

Plus, I notice that sometimes the ads that appear on my Blogspot posts are not relevant. In fact, some of them are straight-up weird and appear to be broken, which would be bad because these bad ads will take away space for the good ones to appear. How do we deal with this problem? Well, read on!

Ad blindness and Ad Blocker

With so many websites using AdSense, users can become "blind" to ads and may ignore them altogether. This can decrease your click-through rate (CTR) and ultimately reduce your revenue.

There is also something called an ad blocker that you can install on your browser. It is understandable because nowadays, a lot of websites are plastered with ads, and it gets really distracting and intrusive. It's no surprise that adblockers like AdBlock or uBlock have become more popular. 

As a content creator that gets most of his revenue from AdSense, the implementation of ad blockers is a challenge that requires delicate solutions. 

Fortunately, AdSense actually offers a native ad-blocker that you can easily set up on your Blogspot websites. However, because I don't want to make this article too long, we shall discuss it in detail in the next article, so stay tuned! This feature deserves its own article.

Compliance with AdSense policies

AdSense has strict policies and guidelines that you must follow to ensure that your ads are displayed correctly and comply with their rules. Failure to comply with these policies can result in your account being suspended or banned.

There have been a lot of bloggers who have come to me asking about this matter. What if there is foul play from a third party? How do we, as content creators, protect ourselves from suspension? There are a lot of things to think about.

To overcome these challenges, it's important to create high-quality content, design a well-optimized website, use the right ad units, and monitor and adjust your ad placements and settings regularly. By following best practices and staying up-to-date with AdSense policies and guidelines, you can maximize your revenue potential and create a positive experience for your users.

Let's discuss them in detail!

Optimizing AdSense Revenue on a Smaller Blogspot Website

As I've said before, it is unlikely that Blogspot revenue will be enough to replace your main salary. However, if you are still interested in making some money from blogging, here is how I do it! 

Here is how I optimize AdSense revenue and manage to generate a small profit from SofanMax, a small Blogspot website!

1. Ensure that your website has high-quality content

High-quality content will attract more visitors to your website, which will increase your AdSense revenue. Use proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation, and make sure your articles are easy to read and informative. Use keywords that are relevant to your content, which will improve your website's ranking in search engine results.

It sounds obvious, I know. But that's how I optimize AdSense revenue from SofanMax. I always put effort into each of my articles. If people do not want to read your blog, then why should you get paid for it? So create something that makes people want to come to your website. 

Do not just write something for the sake of monetization. Write something that you actually be proud of. Read your own article before you publish it, and ask yourself if the article is engaging.

It is not easy to quantify the quality of your content. I may sound contradictory there. But here are some characteristics that define high-quality articles:

Relevance: Your content should be relevant to your website's niche and target audience. It should provide value to your visitors and address their needs and interests. Do not just create a wall of text that says nothing. Be concise with your point!

Originality: Your content should be original and not copied from other sources. It should reflect your voice and style, and provide a unique perspective on your topic. Plagiarism won't increase your AdSense revenue.

Accuracy: Your content should be accurate and based on reliable sources. It should be factually correct and free of errors. Stay away from hoaxes and always cite your resource.

Readability: Your content should be easy to read and understand. Use short paragraphs, subheadings, and bullet points to break up the text. Use a conversational tone and avoid jargon and technical terms unless they are necessary. 

Engaging: Your content should be engaging and capture the attention of your visitors. Use visuals, such as images, videos, and infographics, to make your content more appealing. And of course, learn how to write creatively.

Updated: Your content should be up-to-date and reflect the latest information and trends in your niche. Update your content regularly to keep it fresh and relevant.

By creating high-quality content that meets these characteristics, you can improve your website's ranking in search engine results, attract more visitors to your website, and, more importantly, increase your AdSense revenue. 

2. Optimize your Blogspot theme

A well-designed Blogspot (Blogger) theme can make a significant impact on the user experience and is crucial for attracting and retaining visitors. I shall tell you that some AdSense ads may take user retention as a measure of revenue, especially the ones that pay based on impression. 

A website with poor design can discourage visitors from staying on the website, which can ultimately harm AdSense revenue. So, simply put, to optimize AdSense revenue, you'll also need to optimize your Blogspot theme.

Here are some characteristics of a well-designed Blogspot theme:

Responsive design: A well-designed blog is mobile-friendly and can adjust to different screen sizes. This is especially important, as many users now browse the internet on their mobile devices.

Clean and Simple Layout: A well-designed Blogger theme has a clean and simple layout that makes it easy for visitors to navigate. It should be easy to find information on the website and the website should be easy to use.

Consistency: A well-designed website has a consistent design across all pages. This means that the color scheme, font style, and other design elements should be consistent on every page of the website.

Fast Loading: A well-designed website loads quickly, and users should not have to wait too long for the website to load. Slow loading speeds can discourage visitors from staying on the website, which can harm AdSense revenue.

User-Friendly Navigation: A well-designed Blogspot website has a clear and user-friendly navigation menu that allows visitors to find the information they need quickly and easily. You can use SofanMax as an example of a blog with good user-friendly navigation.

Visual Appeal: A well-designed blog is visually appealing and makes use of high-quality images, videos, and graphics. The website should have a professional look that appeals to visitors. I myself prefer to keep it clean looking! In any case do not go overboard with decorations because they become distractions.

Accessibility: A well-designed website should be accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. The website should have features such as alt tags for images and captions for videos to make it more accessible.

A well-designed website can help increase your AdSense revenue by keeping visitors on your website for longer periods of time.

I highly recommend that you check Jago Desain for themes that meet those requirements. I've been using Jago Desain themes for the last three years, and they have been outstanding. They are cheap too and not difficult to set up!

3. Appropriate ad unit implementation

Use AdSense ad units that are appropriate for your website. I highly recommend that you enable auto ads only if you are a beginner at AdSense. Once you've mastered it you can put ad code manually on your Blogspot theme and posts. 

Personally, I mix auto ads and manual placements. For some specific parts of the blog, like the space below the menu and the sidebar, I place the ad code manually. For the content inside the articles, I can't be bothered to add the code one by one, so I trust the auto ads feature. 

However, sometimes, the auto ads may not appear right away, so it may not be the most optimized option. Manual placements, meanwhile, should appear more reliably. But if you do not have time to tinker with manual placement, I think enabling the auto ad is good enough. 

Google AdSense offers a variety of ad units that are suitable for small Blogspot websites. These are some of the ads offered by AdSense that you can put on your web:

Display Ads: These are the most common ad units and are available in a variety of sizes, from small to large. They can be placed within the content of the website or in the sidebar. Display ads are suitable for small Blogspot websites because they can fit into various spaces without taking up too much room.

Link Units: These ad units consist of a list of related topics, and when clicked, they display a list of ads related to that topic. They are ideal for smaller websites because they take up minimal space and can be placed in the sidebar or footer. I believe this is experimental, but I've seen them appear on my blogs.

In-feed Ads: These ads are designed to blend in with the content of the website, making them less intrusive. They can be placed within the content of the website, and they are suitable for small Blogspot websites because they do not take up too much space.

AdSense Vignette: A full-screen ad that appears between page loads on a mobile website. Vignettes are designed to provide a better user experience by displaying ads during natural pauses in content consumption. Your visitors can dismiss them and quickly return to the content they were viewing. It can be enabled from the auto-ad feature.

AdSense Side Rail: A new type of ad unit that appears in the sidebar of a website, typically alongside other content. Side rail ads are often used to promote products or services related to the content on the page, and can be an effective way to drive conversions and revenue. I personally have not seen this type of ad in action. It's also part of the auto-ad.

AdSense Anchor: A type of ad unit that "sticks" to the bottom of a user's screen as they scroll through a website. Anchors are designed to be highly visible and attention-grabbing and are often used for promotions or calls to action. It is available on mobile and desktop and you can enable it via the auto-ad.

AdSense Multiplex: A type of ad unit that displays multiple ads in a single location. Multiplex ads can be used to promote a variety of products or services, and are often highly effective at driving click-through rates and conversions. This is like display ads but on steroids, you can manually and automatically place them.

AdSense In-Page Ads: A type of ad unit that appears within the content of a webpage, typically between paragraphs or other natural breaks. In-page ads are often highly contextual, meaning they are targeted to the content on the page and can be a highly effective way to drive revenue and engagement. This is an auto ad that can come in various formats, including multiplex and display ad units.

There are other formats that may become available as you go, like the Matched Content ad. Though I have never used it on my blog, so I can't say much about it. 

In any case, remember to avoid placing too many ads on your website, as this can make your website appear spammy. Balanced composition and seamless ad unit selection is the key to optimizing AdSense revenue on your Blogspot website.

4. Manage your targeted ads inventory

Targeted ads are advertisements that are relevant to the content of your website. Targeted ads will attract more clicks, which will increase your AdSense revenue. Google uses contextual targeting to match ads to your website's content (remember the in-page ads?). You can also use the AdSense ad review center to block ads that are not relevant to your website.

AdSense Ad Review Center is a powerful tool that allows you to manage the ads that appear on your Blogspot website. It provides a way to review and control which ads are displayed, allowing you to maximize the revenue generated by AdSense. Here's how to use the AdSense Ad Review Center:

Log in to your AdSense account: Log in to your AdSense account and navigate to the "Ad Review Center" section. This is where you can view and manage the ads that appear on your website.

Review Ads: The Ad Review Center displays all the ads that have appeared on your website. You can see information about each ad, including the ad size, advertiser, and the date it was first displayed.

Block or Allow Ads: You can choose to block individual ads or advertisers from appearing on your website, or you can allow ads that have been previously blocked. This allows you to control which ads are displayed and ensure that they are relevant and appropriate for your audience.

Track Performance: The Ad Review Center also provides data on the performance of each ad. You can see how many times an ad has been displayed, how many clicks it has received, and how much revenue it has generated. This data can help you optimize your ad placement and increase your AdSense revenue.

Experiment with Different Strategies: The Ad Review Center allows you to experiment with different ad placement strategies to see which ones work best for your website. You can block or allow specific types of ads or advertisers to see how they affect your revenue.

It is important to note that blocking too many ads or advertisers can have a negative impact on your AdSense revenue. Therefore, it is essential to use the Ad Review Center strategically and block only those ads that are not relevant or appropriate for your audience. 

5. Monitor your revenue performance

Monitor your website's performance regularly. Use the AdSense reporting tools to track your website's performance, such as the number of clicks, impressions, and earnings. Analyze the data to see which ad formats and ad locations are working best for your website. Use the information to make adjustments to your website's design and ad placement to optimize your AdSense revenue.

Google AdSense provides a range of reporting tools to help website owners analyze their ad performance and optimize their revenue. Here are some of the essential AdSense reporting tools:

Performance Reports: Performance reports provide a detailed view of your ad performance, including metrics like impressions, clicks, click-through rate, and revenue. You can view these reports by date range, ad unit, ad type, and other parameters to get a better understanding of your ad performance and identify areas for improvement.

Ad Units Report: The Ad Units Report provides data on the performance of each ad unit on your website. This report can help you optimize your ad placement and identify which ad units generate the most revenue.

Countries Report: The Countries Report provides data on the performance of your ads in different countries. This report can help you identify which countries generate the most revenue and adjust your ad targeting accordingly. Here is an interesting tidbit: most of SofanMax revenues comes from the USA and India!

Ad Sizes Report: The Ad Sizes Report provides data on the performance of different ad sizes on your website. This report can help you identify which ad sizes generate the most revenue and adjust your ad placement accordingly.

Ad Type Report: The Ad Type Report provides data on the performance of different ad types, such as display ads, text ads, and link units. This report can help you identify which ad types generate the most revenue and adjust your ad mix accordingly.

6. Use responsive ad units

As I've mentioned earlier, using ad units of various sizes and types is a good strategy to optimize AdSense revenue. However, it's also important to ensure that the ad units are responsive, meaning they adjust to fit the size of the user's screen. 

This can help improve the user experience and lead to more clicks on the ads. Typically, you do not have to worry about this because AdSense ad units are responsive by default. You can, however, create a  custom responsive ad unit by manipulating the ad code in a certain way without violating AdSense policies.

7. Experiment with ad placement 

Placing ads above the fold is a good rule of thumb. However, it's also a good idea to experiment with different ad placements to see what works best for your particular blog. For example, you might try placing ads within your content, in the sidebar, or at the end of your posts.

You can explore more about AdSense ad unit placement from these two articles:

8. Use AdSense optimization tools

Google provides several tools that can help you optimize your AdSense revenue, including the AdSense Performance Reports, AdSense Experiments, and the AdSense Optimization tab. These tools can help you identify areas for improvement and test different ad formats, sizes, and placements.

I myself have tried the AdSense A and B experiments that tinker with categorical ad-blocking control. There is also a readily available option that can optimize the appearance of the ads on mobile. I shall talk about these two topics at some other time!

9. Consider alternative ad networks 

While Google AdSense is a popular ad network for bloggers, there are also other options available that might offer higher payouts or better ad formats. Some popular alternatives include Media.net, PropellerAds, and Amazon Associates.

Previously, I also wrote an article about AdSense alternatives that can increase your revenue. You should read that, too, so you can optimize your revenue on your smaller Blogspot website.

10. Prioritize user experience

While it's important to maximize your AdSense revenue, it's also important to prioritize the user experience on your blog. Make sure that the ads you display are relevant and non-intrusive, and avoid using too many ads or pop-ups that can annoy your readers.

AdSense used to have a strict policy about the maximum number of ads that can be displayed on a page. Though I believe they've lifted this restriction and left the placement to your discretion. Nevertheless, it is always a good idea to never go overboard with the ads. After all, visitors come to your blog for your content, not for ads.

In the AdSense auto ad settings, you can control the number of ads that may load on a page. You can set it up from minimum to maximum number, and AdSense will automatically adjust the number of ads for you. Maintaining the balance between monetization and satisfying user experience is delicate!


In conclusion, optimizing your AdSense revenue on Blogspot requires a combination of strategy, experimentation, and patience. By following the tips outlined in this article, including choosing the right ad formats and sizes, placing ads in strategic locations, and tracking your performance with AdSense optimization tools, you can increase your earnings and grow your blog's revenue.

It's also important to remember that AdSense is just one way to monetize your blog, and there may be other options that work better for your particular niche or audience. By staying up-to-date on the latest ad networks and monetization strategies, you can continue to improve your blog's revenue over time.

However, it's equally important to prioritize the user experience on your blog, as happy and engaged readers are more likely to click on your ads and support your content. By finding a balance between maximizing your revenue and providing value to your readers, you can build a successful and sustainable blog on Blogspot.

Did you know that you can add your Blogspot website directly to AdSense now? Yep, it's getting more integrated, leaving behind the obsolete confusing past and making the monetization process simple. But it does not mean that it's easy to get a lot of profit from a small Blogspot website.

Yes, as a blogger, one of your primary goals may be to earn revenue through advertising, and Google AdSense is a popular choice for many bloggers. However, optimizing AdSense revenue on a smaller Blogspot website can be challenging. 

So, in this article, we will discuss some tips on how to optimize AdSense revenue on your Blogspot website. But before we do, I shall tell you some of the challenges based on my personal experience of managing this Blogspot website, SofanMax!

Optimizing AdSense revenue on smaller blogspot site

Why is it difficult to get more AdSense revenue on a smaller Blogspot website?

These are several challenges that I face when I want to optimize AdSense revenue on my small Blogspot website:

Limited traffic

Smaller Blogspot websites, like SofanMax, may have limited traffic compared to larger sites, which can make it difficult to generate significant revenue from AdSense ads. With fewer page views and ad impressions, it can be challenging to earn a substantial income from AdSense. In fact, it took me several years to finally be able to enjoy a small revenue from this semi-personal blog.

I don't think Blogspot monetization can replace your main livelihood (unless if you use a custom domain on your Blogger account, only then may you have a chance). However, it's nice to get paid doing what you love, and having an additional income is never a bad thing. And to get that sweet income, you will need traffic!

Limited ad space

On a smaller website, there may be limited space available for AdSense ads. This means that you need to carefully consider the placement and type of ads to maximize your revenue while still maintaining a good user experience. 

On Blogger.com, specifically, editing themes to accommodate ad spaces can be tricky, especially if you are not tech-savvy. There is an auto-ad feature from AdSense, yes. But sometimes, their placement does not make much sense. You may have a better idea of the positioning, but you may need to edit the theme code to make that possible, and that is not easy.

Competition for ad placements 

With limited ad space, there may be competition between different ad units for placement on your site. It's essential to balance the number of ads you display with the need to provide a positive user experience.

Plus, I notice that sometimes the ads that appear on my Blogspot posts are not relevant. In fact, some of them are straight-up weird and appear to be broken, which would be bad because these bad ads will take away space for the good ones to appear. How do we deal with this problem? Well, read on!

Ad blindness and Ad Blocker

With so many websites using AdSense, users can become "blind" to ads and may ignore them altogether. This can decrease your click-through rate (CTR) and ultimately reduce your revenue.

There is also something called an ad blocker that you can install on your browser. It is understandable because nowadays, a lot of websites are plastered with ads, and it gets really distracting and intrusive. It's no surprise that adblockers like AdBlock or uBlock have become more popular. 

As a content creator that gets most of his revenue from AdSense, the implementation of ad blockers is a challenge that requires delicate solutions. 

Fortunately, AdSense actually offers a native ad-blocker that you can easily set up on your Blogspot websites. However, because I don't want to make this article too long, we shall discuss it in detail in the next article, so stay tuned! This feature deserves its own article.

Compliance with AdSense policies

AdSense has strict policies and guidelines that you must follow to ensure that your ads are displayed correctly and comply with their rules. Failure to comply with these policies can result in your account being suspended or banned.

There have been a lot of bloggers who have come to me asking about this matter. What if there is foul play from a third party? How do we, as content creators, protect ourselves from suspension? There are a lot of things to think about.

To overcome these challenges, it's important to create high-quality content, design a well-optimized website, use the right ad units, and monitor and adjust your ad placements and settings regularly. By following best practices and staying up-to-date with AdSense policies and guidelines, you can maximize your revenue potential and create a positive experience for your users.

Let's discuss them in detail!

Optimizing AdSense Revenue on a Smaller Blogspot Website

As I've said before, it is unlikely that Blogspot revenue will be enough to replace your main salary. However, if you are still interested in making some money from blogging, here is how I do it! 

Here is how I optimize AdSense revenue and manage to generate a small profit from SofanMax, a small Blogspot website!

1. Ensure that your website has high-quality content

High-quality content will attract more visitors to your website, which will increase your AdSense revenue. Use proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation, and make sure your articles are easy to read and informative. Use keywords that are relevant to your content, which will improve your website's ranking in search engine results.

It sounds obvious, I know. But that's how I optimize AdSense revenue from SofanMax. I always put effort into each of my articles. If people do not want to read your blog, then why should you get paid for it? So create something that makes people want to come to your website. 

Do not just write something for the sake of monetization. Write something that you actually be proud of. Read your own article before you publish it, and ask yourself if the article is engaging.

It is not easy to quantify the quality of your content. I may sound contradictory there. But here are some characteristics that define high-quality articles:

Relevance: Your content should be relevant to your website's niche and target audience. It should provide value to your visitors and address their needs and interests. Do not just create a wall of text that says nothing. Be concise with your point!

Originality: Your content should be original and not copied from other sources. It should reflect your voice and style, and provide a unique perspective on your topic. Plagiarism won't increase your AdSense revenue.

Accuracy: Your content should be accurate and based on reliable sources. It should be factually correct and free of errors. Stay away from hoaxes and always cite your resource.

Readability: Your content should be easy to read and understand. Use short paragraphs, subheadings, and bullet points to break up the text. Use a conversational tone and avoid jargon and technical terms unless they are necessary. 

Engaging: Your content should be engaging and capture the attention of your visitors. Use visuals, such as images, videos, and infographics, to make your content more appealing. And of course, learn how to write creatively.

Updated: Your content should be up-to-date and reflect the latest information and trends in your niche. Update your content regularly to keep it fresh and relevant.

By creating high-quality content that meets these characteristics, you can improve your website's ranking in search engine results, attract more visitors to your website, and, more importantly, increase your AdSense revenue. 

2. Optimize your Blogspot theme

A well-designed Blogspot (Blogger) theme can make a significant impact on the user experience and is crucial for attracting and retaining visitors. I shall tell you that some AdSense ads may take user retention as a measure of revenue, especially the ones that pay based on impression. 

A website with poor design can discourage visitors from staying on the website, which can ultimately harm AdSense revenue. So, simply put, to optimize AdSense revenue, you'll also need to optimize your Blogspot theme.

Here are some characteristics of a well-designed Blogspot theme:

Responsive design: A well-designed blog is mobile-friendly and can adjust to different screen sizes. This is especially important, as many users now browse the internet on their mobile devices.

Clean and Simple Layout: A well-designed Blogger theme has a clean and simple layout that makes it easy for visitors to navigate. It should be easy to find information on the website and the website should be easy to use.

Consistency: A well-designed website has a consistent design across all pages. This means that the color scheme, font style, and other design elements should be consistent on every page of the website.

Fast Loading: A well-designed website loads quickly, and users should not have to wait too long for the website to load. Slow loading speeds can discourage visitors from staying on the website, which can harm AdSense revenue.

User-Friendly Navigation: A well-designed Blogspot website has a clear and user-friendly navigation menu that allows visitors to find the information they need quickly and easily. You can use SofanMax as an example of a blog with good user-friendly navigation.

Visual Appeal: A well-designed blog is visually appealing and makes use of high-quality images, videos, and graphics. The website should have a professional look that appeals to visitors. I myself prefer to keep it clean looking! In any case do not go overboard with decorations because they become distractions.

Accessibility: A well-designed website should be accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. The website should have features such as alt tags for images and captions for videos to make it more accessible.

A well-designed website can help increase your AdSense revenue by keeping visitors on your website for longer periods of time.

I highly recommend that you check Jago Desain for themes that meet those requirements. I've been using Jago Desain themes for the last three years, and they have been outstanding. They are cheap too and not difficult to set up!

3. Appropriate ad unit implementation

Use AdSense ad units that are appropriate for your website. I highly recommend that you enable auto ads only if you are a beginner at AdSense. Once you've mastered it you can put ad code manually on your Blogspot theme and posts. 

Personally, I mix auto ads and manual placements. For some specific parts of the blog, like the space below the menu and the sidebar, I place the ad code manually. For the content inside the articles, I can't be bothered to add the code one by one, so I trust the auto ads feature. 

However, sometimes, the auto ads may not appear right away, so it may not be the most optimized option. Manual placements, meanwhile, should appear more reliably. But if you do not have time to tinker with manual placement, I think enabling the auto ad is good enough. 

Google AdSense offers a variety of ad units that are suitable for small Blogspot websites. These are some of the ads offered by AdSense that you can put on your web:

Display Ads: These are the most common ad units and are available in a variety of sizes, from small to large. They can be placed within the content of the website or in the sidebar. Display ads are suitable for small Blogspot websites because they can fit into various spaces without taking up too much room.

Link Units: These ad units consist of a list of related topics, and when clicked, they display a list of ads related to that topic. They are ideal for smaller websites because they take up minimal space and can be placed in the sidebar or footer. I believe this is experimental, but I've seen them appear on my blogs.

In-feed Ads: These ads are designed to blend in with the content of the website, making them less intrusive. They can be placed within the content of the website, and they are suitable for small Blogspot websites because they do not take up too much space.

AdSense Vignette: A full-screen ad that appears between page loads on a mobile website. Vignettes are designed to provide a better user experience by displaying ads during natural pauses in content consumption. Your visitors can dismiss them and quickly return to the content they were viewing. It can be enabled from the auto-ad feature.

AdSense Side Rail: A new type of ad unit that appears in the sidebar of a website, typically alongside other content. Side rail ads are often used to promote products or services related to the content on the page, and can be an effective way to drive conversions and revenue. I personally have not seen this type of ad in action. It's also part of the auto-ad.

AdSense Anchor: A type of ad unit that "sticks" to the bottom of a user's screen as they scroll through a website. Anchors are designed to be highly visible and attention-grabbing and are often used for promotions or calls to action. It is available on mobile and desktop and you can enable it via the auto-ad.

AdSense Multiplex: A type of ad unit that displays multiple ads in a single location. Multiplex ads can be used to promote a variety of products or services, and are often highly effective at driving click-through rates and conversions. This is like display ads but on steroids, you can manually and automatically place them.

AdSense In-Page Ads: A type of ad unit that appears within the content of a webpage, typically between paragraphs or other natural breaks. In-page ads are often highly contextual, meaning they are targeted to the content on the page and can be a highly effective way to drive revenue and engagement. This is an auto ad that can come in various formats, including multiplex and display ad units.

There are other formats that may become available as you go, like the Matched Content ad. Though I have never used it on my blog, so I can't say much about it. 

In any case, remember to avoid placing too many ads on your website, as this can make your website appear spammy. Balanced composition and seamless ad unit selection is the key to optimizing AdSense revenue on your Blogspot website.

4. Manage your targeted ads inventory

Targeted ads are advertisements that are relevant to the content of your website. Targeted ads will attract more clicks, which will increase your AdSense revenue. Google uses contextual targeting to match ads to your website's content (remember the in-page ads?). You can also use the AdSense ad review center to block ads that are not relevant to your website.

AdSense Ad Review Center is a powerful tool that allows you to manage the ads that appear on your Blogspot website. It provides a way to review and control which ads are displayed, allowing you to maximize the revenue generated by AdSense. Here's how to use the AdSense Ad Review Center:

Log in to your AdSense account: Log in to your AdSense account and navigate to the "Ad Review Center" section. This is where you can view and manage the ads that appear on your website.

Review Ads: The Ad Review Center displays all the ads that have appeared on your website. You can see information about each ad, including the ad size, advertiser, and the date it was first displayed.

Block or Allow Ads: You can choose to block individual ads or advertisers from appearing on your website, or you can allow ads that have been previously blocked. This allows you to control which ads are displayed and ensure that they are relevant and appropriate for your audience.

Track Performance: The Ad Review Center also provides data on the performance of each ad. You can see how many times an ad has been displayed, how many clicks it has received, and how much revenue it has generated. This data can help you optimize your ad placement and increase your AdSense revenue.

Experiment with Different Strategies: The Ad Review Center allows you to experiment with different ad placement strategies to see which ones work best for your website. You can block or allow specific types of ads or advertisers to see how they affect your revenue.

It is important to note that blocking too many ads or advertisers can have a negative impact on your AdSense revenue. Therefore, it is essential to use the Ad Review Center strategically and block only those ads that are not relevant or appropriate for your audience. 

5. Monitor your revenue performance

Monitor your website's performance regularly. Use the AdSense reporting tools to track your website's performance, such as the number of clicks, impressions, and earnings. Analyze the data to see which ad formats and ad locations are working best for your website. Use the information to make adjustments to your website's design and ad placement to optimize your AdSense revenue.

Google AdSense provides a range of reporting tools to help website owners analyze their ad performance and optimize their revenue. Here are some of the essential AdSense reporting tools:

Performance Reports: Performance reports provide a detailed view of your ad performance, including metrics like impressions, clicks, click-through rate, and revenue. You can view these reports by date range, ad unit, ad type, and other parameters to get a better understanding of your ad performance and identify areas for improvement.

Ad Units Report: The Ad Units Report provides data on the performance of each ad unit on your website. This report can help you optimize your ad placement and identify which ad units generate the most revenue.

Countries Report: The Countries Report provides data on the performance of your ads in different countries. This report can help you identify which countries generate the most revenue and adjust your ad targeting accordingly. Here is an interesting tidbit: most of SofanMax revenues comes from the USA and India!

Ad Sizes Report: The Ad Sizes Report provides data on the performance of different ad sizes on your website. This report can help you identify which ad sizes generate the most revenue and adjust your ad placement accordingly.

Ad Type Report: The Ad Type Report provides data on the performance of different ad types, such as display ads, text ads, and link units. This report can help you identify which ad types generate the most revenue and adjust your ad mix accordingly.

6. Use responsive ad units

As I've mentioned earlier, using ad units of various sizes and types is a good strategy to optimize AdSense revenue. However, it's also important to ensure that the ad units are responsive, meaning they adjust to fit the size of the user's screen. 

This can help improve the user experience and lead to more clicks on the ads. Typically, you do not have to worry about this because AdSense ad units are responsive by default. You can, however, create a  custom responsive ad unit by manipulating the ad code in a certain way without violating AdSense policies.

7. Experiment with ad placement 

Placing ads above the fold is a good rule of thumb. However, it's also a good idea to experiment with different ad placements to see what works best for your particular blog. For example, you might try placing ads within your content, in the sidebar, or at the end of your posts.

You can explore more about AdSense ad unit placement from these two articles:

8. Use AdSense optimization tools

Google provides several tools that can help you optimize your AdSense revenue, including the AdSense Performance Reports, AdSense Experiments, and the AdSense Optimization tab. These tools can help you identify areas for improvement and test different ad formats, sizes, and placements.

I myself have tried the AdSense A and B experiments that tinker with categorical ad-blocking control. There is also a readily available option that can optimize the appearance of the ads on mobile. I shall talk about these two topics at some other time!

9. Consider alternative ad networks 

While Google AdSense is a popular ad network for bloggers, there are also other options available that might offer higher payouts or better ad formats. Some popular alternatives include Media.net, PropellerAds, and Amazon Associates.

Previously, I also wrote an article about AdSense alternatives that can increase your revenue. You should read that, too, so you can optimize your revenue on your smaller Blogspot website.

10. Prioritize user experience

While it's important to maximize your AdSense revenue, it's also important to prioritize the user experience on your blog. Make sure that the ads you display are relevant and non-intrusive, and avoid using too many ads or pop-ups that can annoy your readers.

AdSense used to have a strict policy about the maximum number of ads that can be displayed on a page. Though I believe they've lifted this restriction and left the placement to your discretion. Nevertheless, it is always a good idea to never go overboard with the ads. After all, visitors come to your blog for your content, not for ads.

In the AdSense auto ad settings, you can control the number of ads that may load on a page. You can set it up from minimum to maximum number, and AdSense will automatically adjust the number of ads for you. Maintaining the balance between monetization and satisfying user experience is delicate!


In conclusion, optimizing your AdSense revenue on Blogspot requires a combination of strategy, experimentation, and patience. By following the tips outlined in this article, including choosing the right ad formats and sizes, placing ads in strategic locations, and tracking your performance with AdSense optimization tools, you can increase your earnings and grow your blog's revenue.

It's also important to remember that AdSense is just one way to monetize your blog, and there may be other options that work better for your particular niche or audience. By staying up-to-date on the latest ad networks and monetization strategies, you can continue to improve your blog's revenue over time.

However, it's equally important to prioritize the user experience on your blog, as happy and engaged readers are more likely to click on your ads and support your content. By finding a balance between maximizing your revenue and providing value to your readers, you can build a successful and sustainable blog on Blogspot.

Did you know that you can add your Blogspot website directly to AdSense now? Yep, it's getting more integrated, leaving behind the obsolete confusing past and making the monetization process simple. But it does not mean that it's easy to get a lot of profit from a small Blogspot website.

Yes, as a blogger, one of your primary goals may be to earn revenue through advertising, and Google AdSense is a popular choice for many bloggers. However, optimizing AdSense revenue on a smaller Blogspot website can be challenging. 

So, in this article, we will discuss some tips on how to optimize AdSense revenue on your Blogspot website. But before we do, I shall tell you some of the challenges based on my personal experience of managing this Blogspot website, SofanMax!

Optimizing AdSense revenue on smaller blogspot site

Why is it difficult to get more AdSense revenue on a smaller Blogspot website?

These are several challenges that I face when I want to optimize AdSense revenue on my small Blogspot website:

Limited traffic

Smaller Blogspot websites, like SofanMax, may have limited traffic compared to larger sites, which can make it difficult to generate significant revenue from AdSense ads. With fewer page views and ad impressions, it can be challenging to earn a substantial income from AdSense. In fact, it took me several years to finally be able to enjoy a small revenue from this semi-personal blog.

I don't think Blogspot monetization can replace your main livelihood (unless if you use a custom domain on your Blogger account, only then may you have a chance). However, it's nice to get paid doing what you love, and having an additional income is never a bad thing. And to get that sweet income, you will need traffic!

Limited ad space

On a smaller website, there may be limited space available for AdSense ads. This means that you need to carefully consider the placement and type of ads to maximize your revenue while still maintaining a good user experience. 

On Blogger.com, specifically, editing themes to accommodate ad spaces can be tricky, especially if you are not tech-savvy. There is an auto-ad feature from AdSense, yes. But sometimes, their placement does not make much sense. You may have a better idea of the positioning, but you may need to edit the theme code to make that possible, and that is not easy.

Competition for ad placements 

With limited ad space, there may be competition between different ad units for placement on your site. It's essential to balance the number of ads you display with the need to provide a positive user experience.

Plus, I notice that sometimes the ads that appear on my Blogspot posts are not relevant. In fact, some of them are straight-up weird and appear to be broken, which would be bad because these bad ads will take away space for the good ones to appear. How do we deal with this problem? Well, read on!

Ad blindness and Ad Blocker

With so many websites using AdSense, users can become "blind" to ads and may ignore them altogether. This can decrease your click-through rate (CTR) and ultimately reduce your revenue.

There is also something called an ad blocker that you can install on your browser. It is understandable because nowadays, a lot of websites are plastered with ads, and it gets really distracting and intrusive. It's no surprise that adblockers like AdBlock or uBlock have become more popular. 

As a content creator that gets most of his revenue from AdSense, the implementation of ad blockers is a challenge that requires delicate solutions. 

Fortunately, AdSense actually offers a native ad-blocker that you can easily set up on your Blogspot websites. However, because I don't want to make this article too long, we shall discuss it in detail in the next article, so stay tuned! This feature deserves its own article.

Compliance with AdSense policies

AdSense has strict policies and guidelines that you must follow to ensure that your ads are displayed correctly and comply with their rules. Failure to comply with these policies can result in your account being suspended or banned.

There have been a lot of bloggers who have come to me asking about this matter. What if there is foul play from a third party? How do we, as content creators, protect ourselves from suspension? There are a lot of things to think about.

To overcome these challenges, it's important to create high-quality content, design a well-optimized website, use the right ad units, and monitor and adjust your ad placements and settings regularly. By following best practices and staying up-to-date with AdSense policies and guidelines, you can maximize your revenue potential and create a positive experience for your users.

Let's discuss them in detail!

Optimizing AdSense Revenue on a Smaller Blogspot Website

As I've said before, it is unlikely that Blogspot revenue will be enough to replace your main salary. However, if you are still interested in making some money from blogging, here is how I do it! 

Here is how I optimize AdSense revenue and manage to generate a small profit from SofanMax, a small Blogspot website!

1. Ensure that your website has high-quality content

High-quality content will attract more visitors to your website, which will increase your AdSense revenue. Use proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation, and make sure your articles are easy to read and informative. Use keywords that are relevant to your content, which will improve your website's ranking in search engine results.

It sounds obvious, I know. But that's how I optimize AdSense revenue from SofanMax. I always put effort into each of my articles. If people do not want to read your blog, then why should you get paid for it? So create something that makes people want to come to your website. 

Do not just write something for the sake of monetization. Write something that you actually be proud of. Read your own article before you publish it, and ask yourself if the article is engaging.

It is not easy to quantify the quality of your content. I may sound contradictory there. But here are some characteristics that define high-quality articles:

Relevance: Your content should be relevant to your website's niche and target audience. It should provide value to your visitors and address their needs and interests. Do not just create a wall of text that says nothing. Be concise with your point!

Originality: Your content should be original and not copied from other sources. It should reflect your voice and style, and provide a unique perspective on your topic. Plagiarism won't increase your AdSense revenue.

Accuracy: Your content should be accurate and based on reliable sources. It should be factually correct and free of errors. Stay away from hoaxes and always cite your resource.

Readability: Your content should be easy to read and understand. Use short paragraphs, subheadings, and bullet points to break up the text. Use a conversational tone and avoid jargon and technical terms unless they are necessary. 

Engaging: Your content should be engaging and capture the attention of your visitors. Use visuals, such as images, videos, and infographics, to make your content more appealing. And of course, learn how to write creatively.

Updated: Your content should be up-to-date and reflect the latest information and trends in your niche. Update your content regularly to keep it fresh and relevant.

By creating high-quality content that meets these characteristics, you can improve your website's ranking in search engine results, attract more visitors to your website, and, more importantly, increase your AdSense revenue. 

2. Optimize your Blogspot theme

A well-designed Blogspot (Blogger) theme can make a significant impact on the user experience and is crucial for attracting and retaining visitors. I shall tell you that some AdSense ads may take user retention as a measure of revenue, especially the ones that pay based on impression. 

A website with poor design can discourage visitors from staying on the website, which can ultimately harm AdSense revenue. So, simply put, to optimize AdSense revenue, you'll also need to optimize your Blogspot theme.

Here are some characteristics of a well-designed Blogspot theme:

Responsive design: A well-designed blog is mobile-friendly and can adjust to different screen sizes. This is especially important, as many users now browse the internet on their mobile devices.

Clean and Simple Layout: A well-designed Blogger theme has a clean and simple layout that makes it easy for visitors to navigate. It should be easy to find information on the website and the website should be easy to use.

Consistency: A well-designed website has a consistent design across all pages. This means that the color scheme, font style, and other design elements should be consistent on every page of the website.

Fast Loading: A well-designed website loads quickly, and users should not have to wait too long for the website to load. Slow loading speeds can discourage visitors from staying on the website, which can harm AdSense revenue.

User-Friendly Navigation: A well-designed Blogspot website has a clear and user-friendly navigation menu that allows visitors to find the information they need quickly and easily. You can use SofanMax as an example of a blog with good user-friendly navigation.

Visual Appeal: A well-designed blog is visually appealing and makes use of high-quality images, videos, and graphics. The website should have a professional look that appeals to visitors. I myself prefer to keep it clean looking! In any case do not go overboard with decorations because they become distractions.

Accessibility: A well-designed website should be accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. The website should have features such as alt tags for images and captions for videos to make it more accessible.

A well-designed website can help increase your AdSense revenue by keeping visitors on your website for longer periods of time.

I highly recommend that you check Jago Desain for themes that meet those requirements. I've been using Jago Desain themes for the last three years, and they have been outstanding. They are cheap too and not difficult to set up!

3. Appropriate ad unit implementation

Use AdSense ad units that are appropriate for your website. I highly recommend that you enable auto ads only if you are a beginner at AdSense. Once you've mastered it you can put ad code manually on your Blogspot theme and posts. 

Personally, I mix auto ads and manual placements. For some specific parts of the blog, like the space below the menu and the sidebar, I place the ad code manually. For the content inside the articles, I can't be bothered to add the code one by one, so I trust the auto ads feature. 

However, sometimes, the auto ads may not appear right away, so it may not be the most optimized option. Manual placements, meanwhile, should appear more reliably. But if you do not have time to tinker with manual placement, I think enabling the auto ad is good enough. 

Google AdSense offers a variety of ad units that are suitable for small Blogspot websites. These are some of the ads offered by AdSense that you can put on your web:

Display Ads: These are the most common ad units and are available in a variety of sizes, from small to large. They can be placed within the content of the website or in the sidebar. Display ads are suitable for small Blogspot websites because they can fit into various spaces without taking up too much room.

Link Units: These ad units consist of a list of related topics, and when clicked, they display a list of ads related to that topic. They are ideal for smaller websites because they take up minimal space and can be placed in the sidebar or footer. I believe this is experimental, but I've seen them appear on my blogs.

In-feed Ads: These ads are designed to blend in with the content of the website, making them less intrusive. They can be placed within the content of the website, and they are suitable for small Blogspot websites because they do not take up too much space.

AdSense Vignette: A full-screen ad that appears between page loads on a mobile website. Vignettes are designed to provide a better user experience by displaying ads during natural pauses in content consumption. Your visitors can dismiss them and quickly return to the content they were viewing. It can be enabled from the auto-ad feature.

AdSense Side Rail: A new type of ad unit that appears in the sidebar of a website, typically alongside other content. Side rail ads are often used to promote products or services related to the content on the page, and can be an effective way to drive conversions and revenue. I personally have not seen this type of ad in action. It's also part of the auto-ad.

AdSense Anchor: A type of ad unit that "sticks" to the bottom of a user's screen as they scroll through a website. Anchors are designed to be highly visible and attention-grabbing and are often used for promotions or calls to action. It is available on mobile and desktop and you can enable it via the auto-ad.

AdSense Multiplex: A type of ad unit that displays multiple ads in a single location. Multiplex ads can be used to promote a variety of products or services, and are often highly effective at driving click-through rates and conversions. This is like display ads but on steroids, you can manually and automatically place them.

AdSense In-Page Ads: A type of ad unit that appears within the content of a webpage, typically between paragraphs or other natural breaks. In-page ads are often highly contextual, meaning they are targeted to the content on the page and can be a highly effective way to drive revenue and engagement. This is an auto ad that can come in various formats, including multiplex and display ad units.

There are other formats that may become available as you go, like the Matched Content ad. Though I have never used it on my blog, so I can't say much about it. 

In any case, remember to avoid placing too many ads on your website, as this can make your website appear spammy. Balanced composition and seamless ad unit selection is the key to optimizing AdSense revenue on your Blogspot website.

4. Manage your targeted ads inventory

Targeted ads are advertisements that are relevant to the content of your website. Targeted ads will attract more clicks, which will increase your AdSense revenue. Google uses contextual targeting to match ads to your website's content (remember the in-page ads?). You can also use the AdSense ad review center to block ads that are not relevant to your website.

AdSense Ad Review Center is a powerful tool that allows you to manage the ads that appear on your Blogspot website. It provides a way to review and control which ads are displayed, allowing you to maximize the revenue generated by AdSense. Here's how to use the AdSense Ad Review Center:

Log in to your AdSense account: Log in to your AdSense account and navigate to the "Ad Review Center" section. This is where you can view and manage the ads that appear on your website.

Review Ads: The Ad Review Center displays all the ads that have appeared on your website. You can see information about each ad, including the ad size, advertiser, and the date it was first displayed.

Block or Allow Ads: You can choose to block individual ads or advertisers from appearing on your website, or you can allow ads that have been previously blocked. This allows you to control which ads are displayed and ensure that they are relevant and appropriate for your audience.

Track Performance: The Ad Review Center also provides data on the performance of each ad. You can see how many times an ad has been displayed, how many clicks it has received, and how much revenue it has generated. This data can help you optimize your ad placement and increase your AdSense revenue.

Experiment with Different Strategies: The Ad Review Center allows you to experiment with different ad placement strategies to see which ones work best for your website. You can block or allow specific types of ads or advertisers to see how they affect your revenue.

It is important to note that blocking too many ads or advertisers can have a negative impact on your AdSense revenue. Therefore, it is essential to use the Ad Review Center strategically and block only those ads that are not relevant or appropriate for your audience. 

5. Monitor your revenue performance

Monitor your website's performance regularly. Use the AdSense reporting tools to track your website's performance, such as the number of clicks, impressions, and earnings. Analyze the data to see which ad formats and ad locations are working best for your website. Use the information to make adjustments to your website's design and ad placement to optimize your AdSense revenue.

Google AdSense provides a range of reporting tools to help website owners analyze their ad performance and optimize their revenue. Here are some of the essential AdSense reporting tools:

Performance Reports: Performance reports provide a detailed view of your ad performance, including metrics like impressions, clicks, click-through rate, and revenue. You can view these reports by date range, ad unit, ad type, and other parameters to get a better understanding of your ad performance and identify areas for improvement.

Ad Units Report: The Ad Units Report provides data on the performance of each ad unit on your website. This report can help you optimize your ad placement and identify which ad units generate the most revenue.

Countries Report: The Countries Report provides data on the performance of your ads in different countries. This report can help you identify which countries generate the most revenue and adjust your ad targeting accordingly. Here is an interesting tidbit: most of SofanMax revenues comes from the USA and India!

Ad Sizes Report: The Ad Sizes Report provides data on the performance of different ad sizes on your website. This report can help you identify which ad sizes generate the most revenue and adjust your ad placement accordingly.

Ad Type Report: The Ad Type Report provides data on the performance of different ad types, such as display ads, text ads, and link units. This report can help you identify which ad types generate the most revenue and adjust your ad mix accordingly.

6. Use responsive ad units

As I've mentioned earlier, using ad units of various sizes and types is a good strategy to optimize AdSense revenue. However, it's also important to ensure that the ad units are responsive, meaning they adjust to fit the size of the user's screen. 

This can help improve the user experience and lead to more clicks on the ads. Typically, you do not have to worry about this because AdSense ad units are responsive by default. You can, however, create a  custom responsive ad unit by manipulating the ad code in a certain way without violating AdSense policies.

7. Experiment with ad placement 

Placing ads above the fold is a good rule of thumb. However, it's also a good idea to experiment with different ad placements to see what works best for your particular blog. For example, you might try placing ads within your content, in the sidebar, or at the end of your posts.

You can explore more about AdSense ad unit placement from these two articles:

8. Use AdSense optimization tools

Google provides several tools that can help you optimize your AdSense revenue, including the AdSense Performance Reports, AdSense Experiments, and the AdSense Optimization tab. These tools can help you identify areas for improvement and test different ad formats, sizes, and placements.

I myself have tried the AdSense A and B experiments that tinker with categorical ad-blocking control. There is also a readily available option that can optimize the appearance of the ads on mobile. I shall talk about these two topics at some other time!

9. Consider alternative ad networks 

While Google AdSense is a popular ad network for bloggers, there are also other options available that might offer higher payouts or better ad formats. Some popular alternatives include Media.net, PropellerAds, and Amazon Associates.

Previously, I also wrote an article about AdSense alternatives that can increase your revenue. You should read that, too, so you can optimize your revenue on your smaller Blogspot website.

10. Prioritize user experience

While it's important to maximize your AdSense revenue, it's also important to prioritize the user experience on your blog. Make sure that the ads you display are relevant and non-intrusive, and avoid using too many ads or pop-ups that can annoy your readers.

AdSense used to have a strict policy about the maximum number of ads that can be displayed on a page. Though I believe they've lifted this restriction and left the placement to your discretion. Nevertheless, it is always a good idea to never go overboard with the ads. After all, visitors come to your blog for your content, not for ads.

In the AdSense auto ad settings, you can control the number of ads that may load on a page. You can set it up from minimum to maximum number, and AdSense will automatically adjust the number of ads for you. Maintaining the balance between monetization and satisfying user experience is delicate!


In conclusion, optimizing your AdSense revenue on Blogspot requires a combination of strategy, experimentation, and patience. By following the tips outlined in this article, including choosing the right ad formats and sizes, placing ads in strategic locations, and tracking your performance with AdSense optimization tools, you can increase your earnings and grow your blog's revenue.

It's also important to remember that AdSense is just one way to monetize your blog, and there may be other options that work better for your particular niche or audience. By staying up-to-date on the latest ad networks and monetization strategies, you can continue to improve your blog's revenue over time.

However, it's equally important to prioritize the user experience on your blog, as happy and engaged readers are more likely to click on your ads and support your content. By finding a balance between maximizing your revenue and providing value to your readers, you can build a successful and sustainable blog on Blogspot.

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