One advantage with parquet files is that it keeps history. Run the below script and it will give you the history.
%%sqlDESCRIBE HISTORY dirpartytable;
Below is an example I have in my environment.
Now that you have the history, you can use the VERSION AS OF statement. This will give you the previous values for the record.
%%sqlSELECT partynumber, primarycontactphone, primarycontactemail FROM dirpartytable WHERE partynumber = '000001702';SELECT partynumber, primarycontactphone, primarycontactemail FROM dirpartytable VERSION AS OF 2 WHERE partynumber = '000001702';
The below example is when I deleted the primary contact phone number.
One advantage with parquet files is that it keeps history. Run the below script and it will give you the history.
%%sqlDESCRIBE HISTORY dirpartytable;
Below is an example I have in my environment.
Now that you have the history, you can use the VERSION AS OF statement. This will give you the previous values for the record.
%%sqlSELECT partynumber, primarycontactphone, primarycontactemail FROM dirpartytable WHERE partynumber = '000001702';SELECT partynumber, primarycontactphone, primarycontactemail FROM dirpartytable VERSION AS OF 2 WHERE partynumber = '000001702';
The below example is when I deleted the primary contact phone number.
One advantage with parquet files is that it keeps history. Run the below script and it will give you the history.
%%sqlDESCRIBE HISTORY dirpartytable;
Below is an example I have in my environment.
Now that you have the history, you can use the VERSION AS OF statement. This will give you the previous values for the record.
%%sqlSELECT partynumber, primarycontactphone, primarycontactemail FROM dirpartytable WHERE partynumber = '000001702';SELECT partynumber, primarycontactphone, primarycontactemail FROM dirpartytable VERSION AS OF 2 WHERE partynumber = '000001702';
The below example is when I deleted the primary contact phone number.